Enhancing Kingmaker: Four Kobolds and a Silver Piece

Kingmaker needs more encounters in every hex. Our Enhancing Kingmaker series helps you to fill up some of those empty hexes and have more in your game. Follow along to see more in the series. Be sure to check out all of our Pathfinder 2e products at DriveThruRPG. As I’ve mentioned before, this is the secondContinue reading “Enhancing Kingmaker: Four Kobolds and a Silver Piece”

Enhancing Kingmaker: Fallen Oak Tree

As we’ve posted before, our Enhancing Kingmaker series adds encounters to your game to fill out some of those empty hexes. Today we bring you the Fallen Oak Tree. And as always, be sure to grab our Pathfinder 2e products at DriveThruRPG. Add the following rumor about the Rostland Hinterlands: “There used to be aContinue reading “Enhancing Kingmaker: Fallen Oak Tree”

Enhancing Kingmaker: Mercenaries Hunting You

As I mentioned before, the biggest complaint I’ve heard about Kingmaker is that there are empty hexes. The Enhancing Kingmaker series is here to help you fill those gaps with interesting, non-random encounters. Be sure to check out all of our Pathfinder 2e products at DriveThruRPG. Today, we have one that I added for aContinue reading “Enhancing Kingmaker: Mercenaries Hunting You”

Enhancing Kingmaker: Ogre Bounty Hunters

The single biggest complaint I’ve seen about Kingmaker, other than lack of official Foundry support, is that there are empty hexes. I’m in the middle of my second running of Kingmaker and both groups have made this same complaint. I’ve also heard it from others as well. So in my Enhancing Kingmaker series of blogContinue reading “Enhancing Kingmaker: Ogre Bounty Hunters”