Enhancing Kingmaker: Four Kobolds and a Silver Piece

Kingmaker needs more encounters in every hex. Our Enhancing Kingmaker series helps you to fill up some of those empty hexes and have more in your game. Follow along to see more in the series. Be sure to check out all of our Pathfinder 2e products at DriveThruRPG. As I’ve mentioned before, this is the secondContinue reading “Enhancing Kingmaker: Four Kobolds and a Silver Piece”

Enhancing Kingmaker: Fallen Oak Tree

As we’ve posted before, our Enhancing Kingmaker series adds encounters to your game to fill out some of those empty hexes. Today we bring you the Fallen Oak Tree. And as always, be sure to grab our Pathfinder 2e products at DriveThruRPG. Add the following rumor about the Rostland Hinterlands: “There used to be aContinue reading “Enhancing Kingmaker: Fallen Oak Tree”

Enhancing Kingmaker: Mercenaries Hunting You

As I mentioned before, the biggest complaint I’ve heard about Kingmaker is that there are empty hexes. The Enhancing Kingmaker series is here to help you fill those gaps with interesting, non-random encounters. Be sure to check out all of our Pathfinder 2e products at DriveThruRPG. Today, we have one that I added for aContinue reading “Enhancing Kingmaker: Mercenaries Hunting You”

Enhancing Kingmaker: Ogre Bounty Hunters

The single biggest complaint I’ve seen about Kingmaker, other than lack of official Foundry support, is that there are empty hexes. I’m in the middle of my second running of Kingmaker and both groups have made this same complaint. I’ve also heard it from others as well. So in my Enhancing Kingmaker series of blogContinue reading “Enhancing Kingmaker: Ogre Bounty Hunters”

3 Rules for Creating a Dungeon in One Hour

I created the game session I ran this weekend in one hour. I’m running Kingmaker in Pathfinder 2e. No spoilers but they’re dealing with the “gnome” shortly after dealing with the mitflicks. The game assumed a straight up fight with the gnome. Initially I laid the encounter out on a map and just moved onContinue reading “3 Rules for Creating a Dungeon in One Hour”

PF2e: Redesigning Monsters with Skeletal Minions

For a recent session of my home Kingmaker game, I took the basic skeleton and upped it’s stats from -1 to 2. All I did was look in the GMG, and changed all the numbers from their -1 equivalent to the higher level. It didn’t turn out well. What I didn’t realize is that theContinue reading “PF2e: Redesigning Monsters with Skeletal Minions”

Pathfinder 2e: 3 Reasons Why Every GM Should Give a Free Dedication Feat

The GMG has a variant rule where the players can get a free archetype. About it, it says: The only difference between a normal character and a free-archetype character is that the character receives an extra class feat at 2nd level and every even level thereafter that they can use only for archetype feats. PF2eContinue reading “Pathfinder 2e: 3 Reasons Why Every GM Should Give a Free Dedication Feat”

5 Questions About the Pathfinder 2e Remaster

As I’m sure you’ve heard, Paizo is going to be rereleasing PF2e this year under the ORC license and they’re making some changes because it is no longer under the OGL. My overall reaction can be summed up as, “Ok.” The changes they’re talking about do not seem like that big of a deal toContinue reading “5 Questions About the Pathfinder 2e Remaster”

3 Reasons Why I Love Kingmaker

If you’ve ever talked with me about adventures and adventure paths/campaigns, then you know I love the Kingmaker Adventure Path by Paizo. In my opinion, it is the best adventure path or campaign put out by any company bar none. Care to find be out way? 1) Easy to Add Your Own Subplots Without aContinue reading “3 Reasons Why I Love Kingmaker”

PF2e: Wand of Impending Enfeeblement Item 4

Ray of enfeeblement was one of my favorite spells back in the 3e days. I had a character that was based around this and similar penalty-inflicting spells. This spell was more difficult in Pathfinder 1e with the addition of a Fortitude save after the touch attack. This spell is even more difficult in the currentContinue reading “PF2e: Wand of Impending Enfeeblement Item 4”