Pathfinder: Elan Misconceptions

Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Compendium

Much like our post on 10 True Things about Catfolk, we have 10 things about elans. Instead of things that are true, we bring to you misconceptions concerning this adjusted race. Submitted for your enjoyment, 10 Elan Misconceptions.

  1. Elan are not fey. While truly fair in aspect, elan are creatures of pure psionic energy and are not related to the Fey, even if the individual elan’s original form was.
  2. Elan are not a conspiracy. Since elan are often secretive about their abilities they have acquired a reputation in certain quarters for being a secret cabal of unknown aims. They are not a unified conspiracy, they are a separate race that live among us.
  3. Elan do not originate from another world or plane of existence. Despite their otherworldly aspect, the elan race originated here and are natives not only of the prime material plane but also of this world.
  4. Elan are not fallen celestials. Much like the misconception about their connection to the fey, this one is rooted in the appearance of the elan. Elan have no racial connection to any race besides their own. The are self created, not evolved.
  5. It is often thought that being entities of condensed psionic energy means elans cannot use magic. Nothing could be further from the truth. Oracles, wizards, clerics and other casters are often found within the ranks of most elan communities.
  6. Elans are often confused with human psions and wilders. It is usually only those familiar with them personally that are aware the elan are an entirely separate race.
  7. It is believed that all who undergo the rebirth to become an elan emerge perfected, but in reality there is a tiny percentage that suffer a different change. Called “flawed creations” they tend to be more visibly aberrant and unnerving.
  8. Among the few who are familiar with the elan race an often held held misconception is that elan are mortal like the other races. The fact that they usually only die by violence and otherwise rejuvenate themselves psionically is something the elan keep to themselves out of fear of the jealousy of other races.
  9. Among the more evil races it is said that consuming the flesh of an elan with give the being eating it psionic power. It is an assumption that is most often found among neothelid cultists and worshipers of the elder gods.
  10. In some of the more paranoid quarters it is believed that the elans gain their power by devouring the brains of other sentient beings.

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